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A Conference in Honour of Mark Sainsbury

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Mark Sainsbury Fest took place at King's College London and Senate House on May 16th and 17th, 2022. The event celebrated Mark Sainsbury's work and his important contributions to both London Philosophy and Texas Philosophy. On this website you will find audio, video, and images from the event.

Mark Sainsbury Fest
May 16-17, 2022
London, UK

Schedule of events

Day One – May 16 King’s College London

2:00-3:00pm: Introduction (Maria Alvarez, Rosa Antognazza, Alex Grzankowski) + Panel discussion
Barry Smith (emcee)
MM McCabe
Tim Crane
Anthony Savile
David Papineau

3:00-3:30pm: break

3:30-5:30pm: 2 talks (40+20 minutes discussion each)
Hans Kamp: “Thoughts about 'Thinking about Things'” (chair: Julie Hunter)

Sir Richard Sorabji: “Mahatma Gandhi as philosopher” (chair: Anna-Sara Malmgren)

5:30-6:00pm: break

6:00: Mark Sainsbury Lecture by Dorothy Edgington: "Two Kinds of Indeterminacy” (chair:MM McCabe)

8:00pm: Wine Reception in the Somerset Room

8:30pm: Dinner (pre-registration required)

Day two – May 17 Senate House/Institute of Philosophy, Woburn Suite

10:00am-12:00pm: 2 talks (40+20 minutes discussion each)
Genoveva Marti: “On Semantic Experiments” 
(chair: Bryan Pickel)

Keith Hossack: "Easier Possibilities — Supposition and Inference" (chair: Michael Tye)

Lunch break 12:00-13:30

13:30-14:30pm: “Short Talks” (Session Chair: Stacie Friend)
Giulia Felappi: "Now for every object there is one type of sentence which must have sense, namely the recognition statement”

Marcello Oreste Fiocco: "Presuppositionless Inquiry”

Tom Crowther: "Dreaming of the First-Person"

14:30-16:00pm: Mark’s lecture: “Boundarylessness”, (Chair: David Sosa)

Final greetings: Maria Alvarez, Rosa Antognazza, Alex Grzankowski

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Event Photos

photographer: Victoria Goodman

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